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Assistant Professor
Industrial & Systems Engineering
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minneaspolis, MN
Office: Lind Hall 240D


Twitter: _saumyasinha_

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISyE) department at the University of Minnestota (UMN) - Twin Cities. I joined UMN in Fall 2022, before which I was a postdoctoral scholar at Rice University and a visiting postdoctoral fellow at Houston Methodist Hospital, working in the areas of optimization and organ transplantation. I received my PhD in applied mathematics at the University of Washington, Seattle, where my dissertation focused on robust dynamic programming.

My research focuses on sequential decision-making in uncertain and dynamic environments, motivated primarily by applications in clinical decision-making, healthcare operations, and health policy. Specifically, my interests include
  • Markov decision processes
  • Robust optimization
  • Multiobjective optimization
  • Infinite-dimensional optimization
  • Organ transplantation: outcomes, allocation mechanisms, and federal policy
  • Treatment planning
  • Scheduling/operations in clinical settings
For more details, visit my Research page.

I am always looking for motivated students.
If you are a current student at the University of Minnesota and interested in working on problems at the intersection of optimization, analytics, and healthcare, please reach out to me.

If you are a prospective student interested in joining the University of Minnesota and working with me, please apply directly to our PhD program and indicate my name/your interests in your application.